The reservation calendar for Teekkarisauna opens on November 6th!
Picture: Juha Koski
The reservation calendar for the updated Teekkarisauna will be opened on November 6th at 10 a.m. The first day you can reserve for your event will be November 24th. As usual, the reservation is made via email to the Sauna Minister at Quote of the guidance from the Teekkarisauna-page:
The desired date, the purpose of the event and the phone number of the person in charge must be mentioned in the e-mail.
The Sauna Minister informs the renter about the accepted reservation. The reservation can be canceled at least two (2) weeks before the event without charge, otherwise half of the rent will be charged for the canceled reservation.
At this time, there are no expected changes to the sauna rental prices. We hope users will show respect for the renovated Teekkarisauna. The Union will provide updated information to renters about cleaning and usage instructions before the start of the reservation.