The Teekkari Union of Tampere maintains and develops teekkari culture in Tampere.
Teekkari Union of Tampere
The Teekkari Union of Tampere maintains and develops teekkari culture in Tampere. The association was established in 2018 by guilds and international engineering students club of Tampere University of Technology of that time. The highest decision-making authority of Teekkari Union is the Teekkari Council, where each member organization appoints three representatives.
There are two kinds of member organizations of Tampereen Teekkarit ry. Members and endorsement members. Only guilds and international engineering students club based in Tampere can be accepted as an actual member.
New members are accepted by Teekkari council. More information about being a member from minister of organizations, jarjestomestari(at)tampereenteekkarit.fi.
Any association interested in the activities of Tampereen Teekkarit can be accepted as an endorsement member. The board of Teekkari union accepts the endorsement members on the grounds of a written application.
Unions rules updated 11.11.2022
Teekkari council appoints a board for a calendar year. The board is chosen in autumn meeting of the council. The board uses its own authority to manage affairs.
The duties of the board are to lead the association according to the rules and decisions, represent the association, to manage finances and administration of the association, to prepare the issues discussed at Teekkari council’s meetings, to make an action plan and report of the association as well as budget and financial statements, to select necessary staff and working groups and monitor their activities and to inform member organizations about the decisions of the board and association meetings.
The Teekkari Council is the supreme body of decision making in the Teekkari Union of Tampere. The Teekkari Council therefore decides on the “big lines” of the Union and directs the association's activities. Each of the ordinary members (guilds) appoints three representatives and three vice representatives to the Teekkari Council, i.e. the total number of members in Teekkari Council is 51+51.
The council has at least two regular meetings per year. However, usually meetings are held annually three (3) to four (4) times. Council meetings discuss and approve, for example, the association's action plans and reports, budgets, and financial statements. The Board of Tampere Teekkari Union is also elected each year by the Council. The Council also directs other issues regarding Teekkari Union, for example, association’s major projects, strategy and deciding on honours.
As a member of the Guilds or Supporting Members Association, you are welcome to follow the meetings of the Teekkari Council! On meeting days, everyone also has the right to wear a Teekkari cap!
Are you interested in serving at the Teekkari Council?
Being part of the Teekkari Council is an easy way to influence Teekkari Union’s activities. You can serve in the Teekkari Council as long as you are a member of one of the ordinary members. Each guild decides for themselves their way to elect their representatives, so be in touch with your guild’s board! -
Teekkari Union of Tamperes Fuksi Council consists of the current and former fuksi captains of the guilds. They organize versatile fuksi activities both in their own guilds and together, so that each fuksi has the opportunity to grow into a proper teekkari. The Fuksi Council organizes the university's biggest and best teekkari fuksi events, such as the Fuksi Council's fuksisitsit, Fuksikyykä and Fuksi's company's christmas party.
The acting chairman of the Fuksi Council is the Minister of Fuksis of the board of Teekkari Union of Tampere (fuksimestari@tampereenteekkarit.fi). The Fuksi Council is often abbreviated FN and the fuksi captains are easily recognized by the red and white fox tails hanging from their overalls.
The Guild Council (KN) consists of the chairs of the guilds in Tampere University. The Guild Council is chaired by the Minister of Organizations of Teekkari union of Tampere (jarjestomestari@tampereenteekkarit.fi). The Guild Council increases the unity of Teekkari union of Tampere by acting as a link between the guilds by bringing their chairs together.
The main purpose of the Guild Council is to act as a support pillar and help the chairs of the guilds. Through the Guild Council, cooperation between the guilds is maintained and increased. Other activities include training as a chairperson and other joint activities. In addition, the Guild Council has traditionally organised events and activities that are free to all.
Teekkari Section is annually changing culture- and event unit operating under the Teekkari Union and it’s members represent variable guilds. The purpose of the section is to maintain and develope teekkari culture in Tampere.
Teekkari section organizes variable activities throughtout the year, such as sitsis, tempaukset (= events that include some charity work or efforts for common good) and other events. The section also maintains the singing culture, for instance by organizing singing nights, and takes care of the teekkari museum. Some annual events organized by the Teekkari section are Wappu Exchange, Lowering of the Teekkari Cap and the pre-Christmas cruise. From the board of the Teekkari Union, Minister of Teekkaris serves as the chair of the Section (teekkarimestari@tampereenteekkarit.fi).
Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta ry
Tietojohtajakilta Man@ger ry
Materiaali-insinöörikilta ry
Ympäristöteekkarikilta ry
Teknis-luonnontieteellinen kilta Hiukkanen ry
Koneenrakentajakilta ry
Automaatiotekniikan kilta ry
Bioteekkarikilta Bioner ry
Tuotantotalouden kilta Indecs ry
Sähkökilta ry
International Club INTO Tampere ry
Tampereen Arkkitehtikilta ry
Tampereen Rakentajakilta ry
Urbanum ry
Energiamurroskilta ry
Robotiikan kilta ry
Tampere Science and Engineering Students' association ry (TaSciEn ry)
Endorsement members
Herwannan Rento ry
NääsPeksi ry
Rankat Ankat
Tampereen Akateemiset Laulajat ry
Tampereen Teekkarien PerinneSeura ry
TTY Alumni ry
Uranaisten Opiskelijaseura
Wappulehti Tamppi
Turvoke ry
Tampereen teekkarien viini- ja olutkerho Château
Spinni ry
Tampereen teekkarien hiihto- ja purjehdusseura ry
Naisteekkarikerho PILE
Seula ry
Akateeminen pöytäseurue Platine ry
Modeemi ry
Tampereen Akateeminen Kyykkäseura ry
Tampere Entrepreneurship Society
Tampereen Teekkarien Soitannollinen Seura ry
Setko ry
Wappuradion Tuki ry
Ota Ny Par ry
Tr3 gamers ry
TT-kamerat ry
Excalibur ry
Tampereen opiskelijarekrytoinnin tuki ry
Tampereen Akateeminen Trikkaus- ja Sirkuskerho
Renting Teekkarisauna with Teekkari prices.
One cost-free sauna rent at Teekkarisauna, if the organization celebrates round years.
Information channels of The Teekkari Union of Tampere
o Websites
o Telegram-channels
Tampereen Teekkarit tiedottaa
Nakkitiedotus (volunteers information)
o Email-lists
o Facebook
o Instagram
Education, events, and theme-weeks.
Opportunity to borrow equipment from The Union, reservation calendar:
o Wholesale card (Metro-wholesale)
o Jabra
o Projector
o JBL + Mics
o Textile washer
o Security officer’s vests (x pcs)
o Gong
o Ball pit
o Water cans (8pcs)
o Ice cube machine
o Ceremony master’s staff
o Finnish flag + strips
o Wholesale market car
o Thermos jugs (3pcs)
o Cooler boxes (3 pcs)
o Table numbers
o Singa login
How to apply as an endorsement member?
Membership is yearly, and it’s valid from 1.8. to 31.7.
Members are accepted by the board of Teekkari union. Written applications are sent to halitus(at)tampereenteekkarit.fi.
The application has to include the name of the association applying, email address, and a brief reasoning behind applying.
Endorsement membership fee is 100€ per year.
Inquiries regarding endorsement membership can be addressed to the minister of organizations, jarjestomestari(at)tampereenteekkarit.fi.
Reservation calendar
Items to borrow are available for free loan to members. To borrow items, contact the minister of organizations via this form. The retrieving and return of items are always agreed on a case-by-case basis.
Items to borrow can be found from the menu on the above. Select Member services.