Application for board of Teekkari Union of Tampere for year 2024

The application period for the Board of Teekkari Union in Tampere for 2024 opens on 16 October. A year on the board of the Teekkari Union of Tampere provides a memorable experience in a close working group, where you can influence the affairs of the entire Teekkari community in Tampere. Note that working in the Union’s board requires fluent Finnish skills and if you are interested in applying, please read more on our website in Finnish.

You can find the position descriptions as well as the application form below. The new Board will be elected by the Teekkari Council at its autumn meeting on 22 November and the term of the Board will begin on 1 January 2024.

Application schedule:

16.10. Application period opens

During the application period, you can come discuss with current board in the kitchen of Kielikeskus:

Thursday 19.10. at 14-16

Friday 20.10. at 14-16

Monday 23.10. at 10-12

Tuesday 24.10. at 12-14

29.10. Application period ends

22.11. Meeting of the Teekkari Council

After the application period, the council organises interviews and a panel of applicants, the schedule of which will be announced later.

Position-specific presentations

Chair of Board

Main tasks of the Chair of the Board are leading the board, hold the board meetings and represent the union. The Chair of the Board forms the big picture of the actions of the union and develops it together with the board. The chair is in touch with the other teekkari organizations, stakeholders, and the founding members. The chair also takes care of the completion of the documentation and the implementation of the strategy.

Main tasks:

·       Lead and develop the actions of the union with the board

·       Hold the board meetings and prepare the materials for the board

·       Writing the action plan of the following year and annual report of the year

·       Is in touch with stakeholders and represents the union

Minister of Administration

The Minister of Administration coordinates and manages the Teekkari Council and develops its functions. In addition, this Minister works as a secretary at board meetings, that is, writes the minutes and decision lists. The Minister of Administration also is the link towards the Teekkari Foundation, i.e. shares information between the Board and the Foundation and hears about the Foundation's affiliations and intentions, e.g. related to the Teekkarisauna and the new Tupsula project. In 2023, the renovation of the Teekkarisauna was very strongly on the Minister’s desk, and there is still work to be done in the management of the sauna even after the renovation. Since the role is relatively new, there is bound to be more to develop and new dimensions, so here it is a great seam to start brainstorming new development proposals both in connection with the association and role itself. 

Main tasks: 

·   Coordination of the work of the Teekkari Council 

·   Convenes the Council meetings and prepares the materials 

·   Administration and maintenance planning of Teekkarisauna

·   Secretary at Board Meetings 

·   Other administrative matters: employer responsibilities, strategy, documentation

Minister of Finance

Minister of Finance is responsible of the financial actions of the union. As a Minister of Finance, you have an opportunity to see and experience the most important projects of teekkari culture and make sure that all the plans can be carried out in terms of financial resources. You will learn about long term project planning and about the financial issues of the union. You will be taught by the old and wise with professional touch.

Main tasks:

·       Budgeting and long-term financial planning

·       Accounting, bills, payments

·       Following other sectors in financial point of views

·       Budget for the following year and financial statement

Minister of Organizations

Minister of Organizations surveys and develops services for the members of the union. Minister meets the members and plans the action of the union together with them. In general, Minister of Organizations takes care of the co-operation of teekkari unions. Minister of Organizations also develops the culture of rewarding. He/she is supporting and leading the Guild Council.

·       Developing the services of members

·       Meeting the members

·       Cooperation of teekkari organizations

·       Developing the rewarding

·       Supporting and leading Guild Council

Minister of Fuksis

Every fuksi who studies engineering will grow to become a genuine teekkari of Tampere. The Minister of Fuksis is responsible for organizing education about teekkari culture together with all the fuksi captains! The biggest fuksi events are organized by Minister of Fuksis. Minister of Fuksis also designs the Fuksi Passport and is the main referee of the superfuksi competition.

Main tasks:

·       Organizing the biggest teekkarifuksi events, such as Fuksikyykkä, the Shrovetide event, and the Fuksisitsis

·       Producing the Fuksi Passport and organizing the superfuksi competition

·       Leading the Fuksi Council

·       Coordinating the orientation week in autumn

Minister of Teekkaris

Minister of Teekkaris is in charge of teekkari culture in Tampere: how it will develop and look like in future. Minister of Teekkaris is the chair of Teekkari Section, maintains the teekkari cap culture, keeps in touch with other teekkari cities and maintains the teekkari culture of Tampere and developing it with the board. Maintaining the teekkari cap culture means ordering the caps and coordinating handing out of the caps in the spring and opening the selling of caps in autumn. Minister of Teekkaris also admits the permissions of using the teekkari cap around the year. Minister of Teekkaris is also in touch with other teekkari communities and organizations.

Main tasks:

• Leading the Teekkari Section

• taking care of teekkari cap matters

- co-operation with teekkari communities in Finland

• maintaining teekkari traditions in Tampere

Minister of Culture

Minister of Culture is in charge of organizing Wappu the Wappu events of teekkaris in spring and the anniversary event of teekkaris of Tampere in autumn. Things to do in wappu are cooperation with authorities with permission applications, and the events itself: Capping, Fuksi parade and Teekkari dipping. There will be project secretaries helping with these events. In addition to these, the Minister of Culture is a apart of the Wappu team, put together by TREY and the Teekkari Union. The anniversary party in autumn is organized to celebrate the long journey of teekkaris of Tampere.

Main tasks:

·       Organizing Wappu together with the Wappu team

·       Organizing of the Teekkariwappu

·       Coordinating of project employees

·       Organizing the annual gala of teekkaris of Tampere

·       Maintaining of sitsis culture of teekkaris of Tampere

Minister of Communications

Minister of Communications is responsible for the Union’s communication channels, maintains and develops communication, and supports member organizations in their communications.

The Minister of Communications produces the content of the Union’s communication channels together with the rest of the board and member organizations and updates the website. Minister of Communication makes the graphics and takes care of the overall visual look. In addition to social media, communication with organizations and students takes place through Telegram information channels and email lists maintained by the Minister of Communications.

Main tasks include:

·       Maintaining communication channels

o   Telegram information channels

o   Social media

o   Email Lists

o   Websites

·       Graphics and visual look

Minister of Corporate Relations

Are you good at talking to people, and interested in forming professional networks? The Minister of Corporate Relations acts as a link building connections between the teekkari culture and leading technology corporations. The Minister of Corporate Relations is responsible for developing, coordinating, and sales of the different collaboration possibilities with companies as well as creating new professional connections for the Teekkari Union utilizing the vast alumni network. As the Minister of Coporate relations you get to know the previous actors and the vast support network ensures that you won’t have to start from scratch. The Minister of Corporate Relations is supported in sales by the sales coordinator of the Teekkari Union. Additionally, you get to coordinate the Corporate Council that consists of the people handling the corporate relations of the guilds.

Main tasks:

·       Corporation meetings and negotiations

·       Coordinating the sales groups

·       Coordinating the Corporate Council

·       Co-operation with alumni’s and coordinating the working life events


The reservation calendar for Teekkarisauna opens on November 6th!


Kelpo Teekkaris 2023