Herwanta Race 11.4.

Fly, fly ladybug to the big checkpoint. 

The Easter holidays are over and the excitement for Wappu is starting to build up, but there's still time for a campus checkpoint race. In April, the buzz is on as Teekkari Section brings forth the best checkpoint race in Herwanta to the southern campus. 

So gather a team (about 4 team members) and come to Herwanta to discover what epic adventures await. The fifth annual Herwanta Race begins after the Fuksi Debate on April 11th at 4:00 p.m. Registration for the event opens on March 29th at 12:00 p.m. at this address: Microsoft Forms 

After the race, the best performers will be awarded at teekkarisauna and the evening will continue with sauna activities. 

The event is equal to all and free from all kinds of harassment. If you face unpleasant treatment in the event, you can contact TREY’s harassment contact persons via this form or via email hairinta@trey.fi, hairintamies@trey.fi and hairintanainen@trey.fi. 

WHAT? Herwanta Race – city adventure 
WHERE? Herwanta 
REGISTRATION? 29.3. 12.00 
WHEN? 11.4.2023 klo 17.00 -> 
DRESS CODE? Overalls / unrestricted 


Fuksi Debate 11.4.


Teekkarisitsis 23.2.2023